17 Temmuz 2009 Cuma

Love and Tensor Algebra

Geeky kelamlar etmeye geldim, ama önce söyleyeyim normalde şiir seven-okuyan biri değilim. Gülün Adı'ndan hatırlarsanız bir diyalog var. Adso çingene kızla aşna fişnadan sonra William'a soruyor "Hiç aşık oldun mu?" diye. William da "Tabii ki defalarca, Ovidius'a, Aristo'ya, Virgilius'a..." diye cevap veriyor. Ben de geçen aşık oldum: Okuyacak yeni kitabım yoktu ve kütüphanenin "contemporary literature" kısmında gezintiye çıktım. Orada onu gördüm. Bir kitabını raftan aldım ve bir paragraf okudum. İşte bu kadar. Al sana ilk görüşte aşk. Daha elli sayfa okumamışım ki adam bir makineye dünyanın en güzel şiirlerinden birini yazdırdı gözümün önünde: Come, let us hasten to a higher plane Where dyads tread the fairy fields of Venn, Their indices bedecked from one to n Commingled in an endless Markov chain!

Come, every frustrum longs to be a cone And every vector dreams of matrices. Hark to the gentle gradient of the breeze: It whispers of a more ergodic zone.

In Riemann, Hilbert or in Banach space Let superscripts and subscripts go their ways. Our asymptotes no longer out of phase, We shall encounter, counting, face to face.

I'll grant thee random access to my heart, Thou'lt tell me all the constants of thy love; And so we two shall all love's lemmas prove, And in our bound partition never part.

For what did Cauchy know, or Christoffel, Or Fourier, or any Boole or Euler, Wielding their compasses, their pens and rulers, Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell?

Cancel me not - for what then shall remain? Abscissas some mantissas, modules, modes, A root or two, a torus and a node: The inverse of my verse, a null domain.

Ellipse of bliss, converge, O lips divine! the product o four scalars is defines! Cyberiad draws nigh, and the skew mind Cuts capers like a happy haversine.

I see the eigenvalue in thine eye, I hear the tender tensor in thy sigh. Bernoulli would have been content to die, Had he but known such a^2 cos 2 phi! Böyle işte, seviyorum ulan!!! Saygılar.

5 yorum:

  1. ahaha cok basarili bir siirmis!

  2. snoop dogg iyi demiş:
    [name-]drop it like it's hot.

  3. stanislaw lem candır. küvetteki günceyi oku oku kudur, bir de kütüpanenin contemporary kısmı iyi fikirmiş yarın gideyim.

  4. yine ben; öyleyse brother cavil'den gelsin:

    "I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the wind of a supernova flowing over me! I'm a machine! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body! And why? Because my five creators thought that God wanted it that way!"



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